Patch Base is a free download, but support for specific synths is added via In-App purchases.

A single arpeggiator line can provide bars and bars of melodic variation (and chords, too).

And on the arpeggiator screen, you can go deep into the sequencing capabilities of the synth. You can get a much clearer picture of what’s going on with a sound this way, and create new sounds with great speed. This new editor puts all of those main patch parameters on one main screen, with quick switches to go between the multiple oscillators, envelopes, etc. So naturally, the Blofeld is a great fit for Patch Base. And to control this beast, the synth itself only has a handful of knobs and buttons and a navigation screen. The Blofeld is a powerful digital polysynth, with 3 oscillators (with dozens of waveforms), 2 filters, 4 envelopes, 3 LFOs, 2 multi-effects modules, 4 control modifiers, 16 modulation routes, and a 16-step configurable arpeggiator (sort of crossed with a sequencer). This new editor works for both the Desktop and Keyboard editions. Here’s what Wood has to say about the editor: Coffeeshopped developer Chadwick Wood has updated his iPad patch editing app, Patch Base, adding a patch editor and librarian for the Waldorf Blofeld.