You can use this method to change any user account password in Windows 10 and other Windows operating systems.

Change Windows 10 User Account Password with Command-Line – Technig PS C:\> net user Ali * To set a password to a user account or changing the password of a user account, type “ net user Ali *” command then press enter and type the new password twice. PS C:\> Set Password to User Account with command Managing User Account using Command Line in Windows 10 – Technig PS C:\> net user ali It will show you the user local group membership, Global group membership, date of creation, etc. To view the complete information for a newly created user account, just type “ net user Ali” and press enter. If it shows the Access denied error, it means that the command prompt is running as standard users, like below error.

The user Ali has been created successfully. Add User Account with Command Line in Windows 10 PS C:\> net user ali 123 /add Type the following command to add a new user account with the command line in Windows 10. Let’s start and create a new user account with the net user command, named Ali with Password 123, and press enter. PS C:\> Add a New User Account with Command Line Net User command line helps in Windows 10 PS C:\> net user /? To understand the structures of a command prompt command, get the help by typing “/?” at the end of any command on command prompt and PowerShell. To run them as an administrator, just press Windows and search Powershell then press Shift+Ctrl and press enter. Note: If you want to execute net user to add a new user or bring changes, you must run cmd or Powershell as administrators. Now, type “ net user /?” and press enter to see the net user command line help.And for Powershell just type “ Powershell.” Type “ cmd” and press enter for command prompt.To run net user command, open command prompt or PowerShell with typing “ cmd” on Windows Run. Delete a user account and profile with command.Upgrade standard user to an Administrator account.Change user account password using a command line.Set Password to a user account with command.Managing user account using command line in Windows 10: And let’s start managing user account with a command line. To learn more about Powershell, just read the PowerShell articles on. The net command utility works on command prompt and PowerShell. But the command line is high-speed and powerful. Managing user account using command line and graphical interface both are easy. It uses for creating, deleting and managing user account in Windows operating system. The Net user command line is a built-in Windows Command tool. Managing user account and groups with “ net” command line.